Wednesday 19 January 2011

Filming Diary

During our lessons we had planned to go out and film on the 14th December, in Thelwall (My house).  First we filmed our establishing shots, but we didn’t use the tripod we did it handheld which affected our shots because they shaky. We next filmed the inside shots which are the main bulk of our opening. We filmed the shots in the bedroom first. They included the shots where we see Jane on a laptop, her getting up and her looking scared, we also filmed these handheld. Then we went and filmed the shots of her running down the stairs from different angles, again handheld. After we filmed them shots we did then the finally shots as she runs to the door and there is banging. We did this shot a few more times than the others because there were many more mistakes during this bit of filming. We did use the tripod this time as it was easier too.
After filming and during the lesson times our teacher looked over our footage and said there weren’t enough different angles shot and it might not have been long enough and it was obvious it was handheld and we needed to use a tripod; we decided and were advised to go out and re-film. So during lessons we went over the footage we had and looked shot by shot where we could improve and how we could add in more angles.
The second time we went to film was the 11th January. It was easier the second time round as we could see what we had to do and focus on getting it filmed. We still used the same idea but we added a few extra bits. We again first filmed the establishing shots but this time instead of just doing the house we filmed from behind objects outside (for example the railings outside). We next filmed the bedroom shots, as we used more different shots so we had more to choose from when we come to edit. We also added another part in where someone is outside the window and bangs which makes our character more jumpy and helps create suspense. Then we again next filmed the stair shots, but this time we did it above her, from further down the stairs and through the banister, so we had different shots and more variety. We also did a mix of over the shoulder shots, long shots and close up of her feet; we did this to give us more shots to use and play around with. After that, we did the shots at the door, where we see Jane trying open the door to possibly escape we have a close up of the door handle where we see she can’t open it then we have a close up of her shoulder moving and struggling to open the door, we had to do this shot a few times because we had a few mistakes where the door opened so the more times we did it the more we could edit together and play around with. The next shot we see her fall to the floor where she puts her head into her hand and we see her crying, we didn’t do this shot for too long as the first time we did it we thought it was alright so didn’t do it again as we were happy. The final shot we did is somebody (the same person on the roof) slams their hands on the door and we see Jane scream and she runs off.  We did this shot a few times as we have her getting up and the running but during this we have a close up of her face.

Editing Diary-

15th December-
We filmed yesterday and we watched back what we had done today with our teacher she was not to impressed in what we had produced and that there was more we could improve on, we could not edit today as there was nothing to edit. 
16th December-
Today we could not edit again as we needed to refilm it again as are teacher thought it would be for the best so we just went through are tape to see what we could improve and looking back on it all.
17th December-
Today was our last lesson before christmas so we went and sorted our filming date and what we need to do.
4th January-
Today was our first day back and we sorted all of our tape out and wrote a list of things we needed to imporve on. Like the shots, the use of the tripod (etc)
5th January-
We took photos of our storyboards today... so we could build a short clip of our story board.
6th january-
Today we looked at our tape and sorted out our story boards as we had more ideas and things that we need to included.
7th January-
Today we finalised our date to film, we will be filming the 11th January. We need to take our list of things to imporve on so we have a better idea of what we can do.
11th January-
Today is our filming day and we have just booked our camera out and have gone through the final details and sorted out who will be in it.
(Filming-  When we filmed we did it in Ashlea’s house and used her friend Jayne and we added more angles and a lot more different shots.)
12th January-
Today we could finally start editing because we have finished our film and we have alot more shots to mess around with.
13th January to 21st January.
Today we stared our rough cut so we had an outline of our film so we can do our final edit later on. It took a few lessons to do this.
25th January.
Today i am going to fix my blog and start on my anaylisis of my thriller.