Wednesday 17 November 2010


Opening scene
The opening credits are blue and green which are the two main colours of the sea and in this film the sea represents danger and death. The font is in white but on a black background standing out to the audience, whilst the titles are shaded as if something big moves past it making the audience think that it could be a shark. The main event in the opening scene is a group a rebelious teenagers/adults drinking on the beach around a bonfire, they're all wrapped up in warm clothes to show its a cold night. A flirtacious boy and girl run away form the bonfire to a private part of the beach where the girl, named Chrissie, starts to strip in an attempt to tease the man. She dives into the sea completely nude and drunk showing how vulnerable she is to the dangers of the sea. Chrissie swims further and further into a danger zone where no people are unlike the beach where it would be safer with everyone else there. The man is too intoxicated to realise the danger Chrissie is in and results in passing out on the beach shore. Within the opening scene there is concealment and protaction, and the audience expect stuff to happen thinking the shark will attack when it wont so they dont see that coming. There are lots of different camera shots within the film Jaws such as Worm shot this is when the girl is swimming in the sea and the shot is being taken underneath her as if there is a shark getting ready to attack her making the shark in power. The camera always moves quicker in certain parts of scenes to build suspence to the intended audience putting them on the edge of their seats waiting for something to happen. Shot reverse shot is used to cut from the women to the man, also it frames different parts this is to make the screen look bolder and to stand out towards the audience.There are many sounds within the opening scene for example, in the credits theres that jaws music which everyone knows, the audience can here it but the charactors cant therefore its a non-diagetic sound, there is also diagetic sounds when the music is being played around the bonfire which shows its diagetic as the charactors are singing along with it and dancing to the music. As Chrissie is so far out into the ocean when she feels a tug on her dragging her under water, nobody else can hear the screams of her death whilst their all partying on the beach making noise themself.

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