Wednesday 17 November 2010

Red Eye

Opening Scene
As the opening credits appear on the screen the background is black whilst the writing is white this stands out towards the audience, the text is moving slightly which could make the audience think its a plane moving as the film is set on a plane. It give the audince different ideas. The Title 'Red eye' is in the colour red to maybe let the audience think a death will take place. Within the scene there are lots of different sounds such as when the credits are playing there is a ticking noise which is un even and quiet deep, this would leave the audience asking questions and thinking what was going on and why them noises are being played. Through the scene the audience see a photoframe of a girl this lets the audience know straight away that she is a charactor in the film and the focus is on her, by looking at the picture it shows us that she's graduated so she could be intelligiant and that shes a very happen person. Its set in Florida/Miami we know this as when the girl is talking on the phone she says she is getting the 'red eye' to florida letting the audience know where its based. Looking at the charactors the audience are told that the dad is fully protected over his daughter and would do anything for her, he doesnt want to let her go we know this as she has already moved out for a while and he's still kept her bedroom the same hoping she will come back, yet the rest of the house is being done up. The Villian in this is kept very secretive as the audience wouldnt know who it could be as anybody is passing in and out of the dads house as its being done up, which is when the wallet is taken. The camera zooms in fully on the wallet to put all the attention on it letting us see that it owns to the dad which his anitials are J.R where as then a hand grabs it making the situation mysterious towards the audience, this is showing that a situation is already occuring but we dont what it is yet it keeps us thinking and asking questions. Loud music is involved in the background when something bad happens this builds dramatic tension getting the audience excited and wanting to know what happens next. A cross cutting camera shot is used within this scene in a fast paste to show motivation and enjoyment.

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