Thursday 9 December 2010

Section 6: Shooting script and Character outlines

Main characters-
Isabelle-(small, skinny, pale, light-ish hair) 14 year old girl, she has had a troubled childhood which causes her to be very nasty and rather full of herself. Believes she has a lot of friends and that people like her. She is a bit of a bully (takes things to far and causes a girl to kill herself as it gets to much) then goes all crazy and thinks she is being followed by her and she becomes paranoid. Loses her mind…
Mum- Angie (woman, tall, blonde and pale) 40 year old, divorced and rather lonely tries to do best by her daughter. Works all hours to give her daughter everything but feels she isn’t respected. But is a push over for letting her daughter treat her like that. Works so much she doesn’t see her daughter much and blames herself for her daughters’ behaviour.
Girl who killed herself Amy- also 14, was a very bubbly girl really nice, was being bullied by Is just because she thought she could. She finds it all too much to handle and becomes very stressed and just gives in and kills herself. Is thinks that Amy stalkers her

1. Establishing ahot of the house from the road, capturing entire house and some sky.
2. Close up shot of the front door showing bits of the house and a shot of isabelle.
3. shot of isabelle sitting at her computer typing, medium close up focusing on facial expressions       showing that she is distressed.
4. close up shot of just her face showing her emotions.
5. The words that she is typing on the computer then appear on the screen and the audience begin to understand the emotions of isabelle.
6. Shot of her reacting to noises behind her from view of the computer screen.
7. Another close up shot of her focusing on her facial expressions and emiotions
8. shot of her getting up from the chair
9. shot of her from the side medium shot, of her walking towards the door.
10. Shot of her opening the door and looking down the hallway, medium long shot
11. long shot of isabelle standing in the doorway
12. point of view shot of her looking to see what is out on the hall.
13.point of view shot of possible attacker/stalker watching her look around
14 point of view shot as isabelle has a final look to see if anyone is there
15.Shot of her turning around and returning to her bedroom medium long shot
16. shot of her slamming door and locking it from the other side of the door (dont actually see her lock the door)
17. close up shot of the door when it is shut
18. extreme close up of door focusing on handle
19. extreme close up of door and handle moving slightly
20. over the shoulder shot of girl looking in mirror with door handle moving behind her.
21.girl approaches door with catuion
22. isabelle opens door and runs downstairs scared and nervous.
23.she runs down stairs medium long shot
24. she goes to the front door and begins to weap
25. she then slides down the door and sits on the floor with her head in her hands
26. Close up shot of her eye as she is leaning against the door.

Friday 3 December 2010

Section 5: Treatment

Opening treatment
A chilling tale of revenge, this story follows a troubled young girl on her path of remorse. 14 year old Isabelle deals with the consequences of her past.
The opening scene begins with a close up shot of Isabelle sitting at a computer screen. The words that she is typing then come up on the lens of the camera as this is happening the diegetic sound of the keyboard is heard, along with her deep loud breaths showing that she it stressed and something is on her mind. Then the camera angle changes, it is from the view of the computer screen which shows her reaction to noises in the background, which shows anxiousness and audience know that something isn’t right, she then gets up to see if anything is there, opens the door and looks around to the left and right as the camera changes to her eye line as she checks the hallway, then the next shot is from the eyes of a possible intruder watching her look around and then return to the room, then as she shuts the door the audience see the camera go towards the door and the handle begins to turn even though there is no hand present, moves to shot of her in a mirror with the door handle moving behind her, she then runs downstairs to escape this and swiftly locks the door, and to show her relief slides down to the floor and places her head in her hands, a few seconds later there is a loud bang at  the door and it cuts to credits.

Middle section treatment
After the credits have been it turns out it was Isabelle’s mother at the door who dropped the shopping on the door which was the loud bang previously, when her mother Anggie sees her she noticed that there is something wrong with her and that she is distressed and worried. Isabelle is too scared to tell her mother what is wrong which develops into a small argument between the two, and Isabelle becomes very fragile and on the verge of a breakdown, she then decides that she needs to take a break from the stress of her household, consequently she grabs her coat and runs out of the front door with tears streaming down her face and her make up running down her cheeks, she heads for a small park area which she likes to go with her friends and tries to call her friend to meet her there however she cannot get any signal on her mobile phone. She then begins walking to see if she can get signal on her phone as she doesn’t want to be alone at this fragile point of her life as she is walking she realises she has entered the nearby forest and keeps going deeper and deeper so that she can make the call, she is oblivious to the fact she is alone in the forest at this late time of night.
When she the phone finally begins to ring she can hear interference like a quiet whispering voice telling her to stop and she should have stopped the audience suspect this is something that has happened in her past and may explain the various noises and creepy happenings earlier on.

Section 4: Audience Research.

Media Questionnaire-
1.       What gender are you:
Male                Female

2.       How old are you?

3.       What is you favourite sub-genre? (i.e. Crime/disaster/medical)

4.       Do you prefer the Hero to be male or female?
         Male                Female

5.       What is your favourite kind of thriller?
Criminal           stalker        police       other.
6.       What is you favourite colour and why?

7.       Name one thriller you have seen and enjoyed?

8.       Do you prefer modern or classic thrillers?

9.       Would you rather watch and why?
12            15          18

 10.   How often do you watch thrillers?

11.   Would you rather see…
Blood and guts           clever mind games

12.   Would you rather…
Adult actor’s           child actor’s              both

13.   Do special effects make thrillers more interesting?

14.   Would you prefer a?
Happy ending            bad/sad ending          adrenaline rush

15.   What type of narrative do you like? (i.e. plot twists/ romance)

16.    Would you rather the plot was explained or challenge the audience?

17.   Would you rather a well known actor or actress plays the lead roll?

18.   What do you expect a thriller to do to you/ make you feel?
Excited?            Scared?              Nervous?                
19.   If you had a choice to set a thriller anywhere, where would it be?
 House              Forest            Outdoors           Other
20.   Do you prefer music with lyrics or to be more instrumental?

21.   Do you think a thriller has to involve death to be interesting?

22.   What is your worst fear and why?

23.   Do you prefer the Villain to be male or female?

Male                Female
Results from questionnaire.

Question 1.
What gender are you?
Male- 13
Female- 17
Looking at my graph I can clearly see that more females have answered my questionnaire than males meaning that it would be biased towards females and what they would rather see.

Question 2.
How old are you?
15-18= 28
19-25= 0
26-30= 0
31-35= 0
36-39= 0
40+= 2
Looking at my graph I can see that my film would be biased toward the younger age group as that is the age most people answered at, but that has worked out well as that was the target age for my audience.

Question 4.
What is your preferred main character?
Male- 17
Female- 13
Looking at my results I can see that out of the people who answered that most people would rather see a male play the main character, however it was a close call.

Question 5.
What is your favourite kind of thriller?
Criminal- 16
Stalker- 8
Police- 3
Other- 5
When looking at my results I see that most of my participants would rather watch a crime-based drama. So when I make my thriller I need to make sure it contains an element of crime.  

Question 8.
Do you prefer modern or classic thrillers?
Modern- 17
Classic- 13
I can see that my results are rather close so I need to make sure I make it more modern but add a bit of a classical element to appeal to a wider audience.

Question 10-
Would you rather watch..?
12- 0
15- 25
Most of the people I asked would rather watch a 15, which is good for me because I am only 16 and wouldn’t want to incorporate the 18 elements as it won’t be keeping within the age range and target audience.

Question 12.
Would you prefer..?
Blood and guts- 16
Clever mind games- 14
Again my results are very close so I must make sure a add an element of both to please my audience.

Question 13.
Would you rather..?
Adult actors- 14
Child actors- 6
Both- 10
I think when making my film I would use both so that way I please the wide audience and then it won’t be biased towards one decision.

Question 15.
Would you rather see..?
Happy ending-5
Sad/bad ending- 15
Adrenaline rush- 10
Looking at my results more people want to see a bad or sad ending so I will be following that but also adding some elements of an adrenaline rush to please more people.

Question 17.
Would you rather the plot was explained or to challenge the audience?
Explained- 11
Challenge- 19
I can see that most of the people I asked would rather the plot challenged them and wasn’t explained. However I think I will mix these two so I have a wider audience range.

Question 18.
Would you like to see a well known actor/actress play the lead?
Yes- 16
No- 14
For my film, I will be using a everyday guy/ girl so they wont be well known, however this shouldn’t effect the film.

Question 19.
What do you expect a thriller to do/ make you feel afterwards?
Excite- 7
Scare- 13
Nervous- 10
I think my results a pretty close so I will use this to my advantage and add all 3 into my film.

Question 20.
If you had a choice, would you set a thriller?
House- 13
Forest- 9
Outside- 6
Other- 3
Most people had chosen to set it in a house which works well as that is what are group are hoping to do.

Question 21.
Do you prefer music to have lyrics or be instrumental?
Lyrics- 13
Instrumental- 17
Again most people decided on the instrumental option which I think we will do because it sounds more creep and hopefully will create tension in my opening.

Question 22.
Does a thriller have to involve death to be interesting?
This works out well for our group as we wish our thriller to be based around a death.

Question 23.
Do you prefer your villain to be male or female?
Female- 11
I think for our thriller maybe choosing the male for the lead will give us a wider audience.

Section 3: Brainstorm of Content and Classification of Film.

Suitable only for 15 years and over
No one younger than 15 should watch these films as it includes;


The work as a whole must not endorse discriminatory language or behaviour.


Drug taking may be shown but the film as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse. The misuse of easily accessible and highly dangerous substances (for example, aerosols or solvents) is unlikely to be acceptable.


Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

Imitable behaviour

Dangerous behaviour (for example, hanging, suicide and self-harming) should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised.


There may be frequent use of strong language (for example, ‘fuck’). The strongest  terms (for example, ‘cunt’) may be acceptable if justified by the context. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.


Nudity may be allowed in a sexual context but without strong detail. There are no constraints on nudity in a non-sexual or educational context.


Sexual activity may be portrayed without strong detail. There may be strong verbal references to sexual behaviour, but the strongest references are unlikely  to be acceptable unless justified by context. Works whose primary purpose is sexual arousal or stimulation are unlikely to be acceptable.


No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.


Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable. There may be detailed verbal references to sexual violence but any portrayal of sexual violence must be discreet and have a strong contextual justification

  • Dark night
  • Door handle moves without someone touching it
  • Girl is the vctim
  • Thinks she is seeing somethhing but she isnt.
  • Wierd Atmosphere
  • Mystery
  • Bangs and creeps around house
  • Hearing stuff
  • Heavy Breathing
  • Girl in house by herself.
  • Isabelle - Name
  • Bullied a girl at school, girl commits suice then isabelle think shes coming for revenge.
  • Running
  • Feelings - Scared, Nervous, Confused.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Final Destination 1

Openig Scene
As the opening credits start theres slow music to build more suspence towards the audience as they want to know whats going to happen. The sounds of thunder and the strikes of lighting strike across the screen showing the audience that its a gloomy night and making them think something bad could happen as its night time and there is a thunder storm. The text credits stand out to the intended audience as the background is dark and the writing it is a glowing white colour this could tell the audience that people are going to die as the glowing light signifys 'the light of death' explaining that people will die. The camera then tracks down showing a little puppet hung up, then looking at the shadow of the puppet it looks as if someone has commited suicide letting them think why they would want to do that. The fan makes wierd noises as it spins around and a bright light shines onto the screen this again shows us that another death could take place as the light is showing again dragging someone else towards it, the music is still building suspence towards the audience at this moment in time. A plane ticket is shown immediatly telling the audience that the film will be set on a plane awaiting to go France. In the background non-diagetic screams take place this is just to bring a better atmosphere together and show the audience that screaming will be taking place within the film.

Final Destination 3

Opening Scene
As this opening scene starts of there's slow music playing in the background which is aready telling the audience that something ad could happen in the film, as this i playing the camera tracks around showing the fun fair to let the audience know where it is set and make them think what cold go on around a theme park leaving them with plenty of questions. The opening credits appear on th screen with a glooming blue colour around it as if it looks like mist which tells the audience that if theres mist then there is trouble. The sounds of peoples screams echo in the background to signify there will be dangerous things happening or maybe deaths, whilst the ride is lit up in a red colour showing the audience that blood could be involved. A sound of a clowns laugh then happnens making the audience feel spooked out as the atmosphere is scary. Sounds of a ticking kind of noise rolls in maybe making the audience think that theres a time limit until a next victim dies, waiting around thinking what is going to happen next, which builds suspence towards the intended audience. There are quite disturbing pictures for example on a wall there is a picture of a puppt with nails in the face this straight away gives a cue to the audience that somebody within the film could die of nails in there face. Throughout the opening credits a marble is going down a puzzle type of thing, this gives of a vibe that the marble is a charactor getting deeper and deeper into a danger zone as none of the audience know where the marble is going to end up and what is going to happen to it, the marble then lands the lands through a hole which has death written above it, giving off a misterious vibe of which characters are going to die or be put at risk. The music gets louder and faster which is putting the audience on the edge of their seats. When the girl takes a picture of her friends on the 'high dive' ride it looks like there all having a good time, until she looks at the picture and the 'v' is missing from dive showing the word 'die' this builds a wierd atmosphere as from the opening scence stuff has already begun to happen.

Silence of the Lambs.

Opening scene
Throughout the opening of this scene the audience were always wondering if there was someone running after the lady or following her, shes jogging quite fastly and breathing heavily which could show to the audience that theres an atmosphere of fear or she's very out of breathe. As the women reaches the forest shes moving into more of a danger zone, moving away from the safe zone with more of the forest to run through there is no turning back not knwoing how much more she will be running through to get out. this could let the audience know that somethings going to happen which will get them thinking what could happen next. In the opening scene there are many different camera shots such as 'tracking' for example in the film the lady is running and its positioned behind her showing us that she iss still running futher and further into the forest where anything could happen. There is a close up view of her feet as shes fastly running showing the movement and the expression upon her face. Through the scene the audience expect a man running after her but as the scene follows on we then find out that he's in the FBI with her, which then the trainer introduces us to the lady we then know she's a main charactor. The sound within the film starts of quite calmy but then rapily speeds up as the screen moves closwer towards the forest building suspence to the intended audience. As the opening credits appear on the screen the font is in colour white on a black background to stand out to the audience.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Red Eye

Opening Scene
As the opening credits appear on the screen the background is black whilst the writing is white this stands out towards the audience, the text is moving slightly which could make the audience think its a plane moving as the film is set on a plane. It give the audince different ideas. The Title 'Red eye' is in the colour red to maybe let the audience think a death will take place. Within the scene there are lots of different sounds such as when the credits are playing there is a ticking noise which is un even and quiet deep, this would leave the audience asking questions and thinking what was going on and why them noises are being played. Through the scene the audience see a photoframe of a girl this lets the audience know straight away that she is a charactor in the film and the focus is on her, by looking at the picture it shows us that she's graduated so she could be intelligiant and that shes a very happen person. Its set in Florida/Miami we know this as when the girl is talking on the phone she says she is getting the 'red eye' to florida letting the audience know where its based. Looking at the charactors the audience are told that the dad is fully protected over his daughter and would do anything for her, he doesnt want to let her go we know this as she has already moved out for a while and he's still kept her bedroom the same hoping she will come back, yet the rest of the house is being done up. The Villian in this is kept very secretive as the audience wouldnt know who it could be as anybody is passing in and out of the dads house as its being done up, which is when the wallet is taken. The camera zooms in fully on the wallet to put all the attention on it letting us see that it owns to the dad which his anitials are J.R where as then a hand grabs it making the situation mysterious towards the audience, this is showing that a situation is already occuring but we dont what it is yet it keeps us thinking and asking questions. Loud music is involved in the background when something bad happens this builds dramatic tension getting the audience excited and wanting to know what happens next. A cross cutting camera shot is used within this scene in a fast paste to show motivation and enjoyment.


Opening scene
The opening credits are blue and green which are the two main colours of the sea and in this film the sea represents danger and death. The font is in white but on a black background standing out to the audience, whilst the titles are shaded as if something big moves past it making the audience think that it could be a shark. The main event in the opening scene is a group a rebelious teenagers/adults drinking on the beach around a bonfire, they're all wrapped up in warm clothes to show its a cold night. A flirtacious boy and girl run away form the bonfire to a private part of the beach where the girl, named Chrissie, starts to strip in an attempt to tease the man. She dives into the sea completely nude and drunk showing how vulnerable she is to the dangers of the sea. Chrissie swims further and further into a danger zone where no people are unlike the beach where it would be safer with everyone else there. The man is too intoxicated to realise the danger Chrissie is in and results in passing out on the beach shore. Within the opening scene there is concealment and protaction, and the audience expect stuff to happen thinking the shark will attack when it wont so they dont see that coming. There are lots of different camera shots within the film Jaws such as Worm shot this is when the girl is swimming in the sea and the shot is being taken underneath her as if there is a shark getting ready to attack her making the shark in power. The camera always moves quicker in certain parts of scenes to build suspence to the intended audience putting them on the edge of their seats waiting for something to happen. Shot reverse shot is used to cut from the women to the man, also it frames different parts this is to make the screen look bolder and to stand out towards the audience.There are many sounds within the opening scene for example, in the credits theres that jaws music which everyone knows, the audience can here it but the charactors cant therefore its a non-diagetic sound, there is also diagetic sounds when the music is being played around the bonfire which shows its diagetic as the charactors are singing along with it and dancing to the music. As Chrissie is so far out into the ocean when she feels a tug on her dragging her under water, nobody else can hear the screams of her death whilst their all partying on the beach making noise themself.

Section 2

This thriller is set in a busy, highly populated city full of chaotic traffic and beeping horns with office buildings and skyscapers. Disturbing images flash in the background of the opening credits. These images are dark and horrific whilst the credits contradict them in a white colour on a black background which stands out towards the audience. The mise-en-scene within the opening has different elements such as lighting, setting, cotume and expression. Firstly the lighting is dull which gives an impression towards the audience that a possible crime as occured, whereas outside the lighting is dark and grey as its giving off a miserable atmosphere throughout the city. The Villain is dressed in a long black coat with black gloves and a hat showing a mysterious look to his appearence towards the audience and other charactors within the film. There are Diagetic and Non-Diagetic sounds during this opening, for example when Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman are outside on the streets they can hear people shouting and cars beeping whereas the audience can hear that to. However, there are also Non-Diagetic sounds such as when music is added for effect to show the mood of the scene to the audience but the charactors can't hear this music. Different camera shots used in the film are long shots, for example this will show the full view of the dead body on the floor. Extreme close up views allows the audience to see more clearly what has happened to the victim. Birds eye view is the other camera shot used in the film showing Morgan Freeman looking up as if a discovery is to be made on the roof. There are several props used such as guns which is one of the main props in the film giving the impression someone is going to be shot. Throughout the film the murderer writes the seven deadly sins of life at each scene of the crimes, each of the sins is what the victim commited so the murderer is trying to prove a point to the detectives.

Section 1 Thriller Genre.

A thriller genre is found in film, literature and television programmes. The main aspects of the thriller genre is to build tension, suspense and excitement towards the intended audience. There are three main sub-genres of thriller which include crime, mind twisting events and sense of mystery in the film, book or television show. the characters played in thrillers are usually criminally or psychologically insane. They often appear mentally unstable and commit crimes such as murder, rape or holding people captive. In most cases, the thriller will end with the main villain dying or being caught resulting in a happy ending. The elements included in thrillers will usually be camera works, setting, lighting, costumes, expression and depth of field.

Thriller Ingredients
Thrillers are commonly known to have the audience on the edge of their seats caught up in the suspence and jumpy mood of the film, tv show or book. this builds a tense atmosphere towards the intended audience. Thrillers need to be exciting to appeal to the audience to keep them entertained. They are usually certificated at the ages 15 - 18 as they contain violent or graphic images that may affect younger viewers. Northrop Frye - The Heroic Romance links into the thriller genre as heroes are always ordinary and behave morally right and aims to usually protect innocent characters. Another example of the thriller genre is John Cawelti - The Exotic because is contains mysterious events and is set in a modern city. The surroundings are usually set in an unfamiliar world which is dark and gloomy. W H Mathews - Mazes and Labryinth's is defined as a thriller because its a mystery where the hero is attempting to find clues to crack a puzzle and solve the problem, however there are often twists to the puzzle to make the audience more interested. Pascal Bonitzer - Partial Vision is a different source of genre for a thriller as the audience only see so much as other elements are hidden so the mystery to he thriller isnt given away. The killer in this thriller slaughters their victims when the audience is doesnt see this part of the scene, so the bodies are usually discovered by someone. Lars Ole Saurberg - Concealment and Protaction will also link into a thriller as suspense is always builing up in two different ways, it seems to hide something from the audience. A planned death usually takes place with an explosion which delays. Finally, Noel Carrol - The Question , Answer model provides the audience with questions, in this there is a probabilty factor and a moral factor. A probabilty factor keeps the audience guessing for a final conclusion because 'a sure thing' is less exciting for the audience. A Moral factor is where the morally right outcome increases involvement and maintains the audiences focus and interest within the thriller.